💠The world of diversity and inclusion is full of jargon and acronyms. At Fair HQ, we want to dispel D&I myths and approach D&I topics with simplicity and clarity.
To embed D&I across your company, everyone needs to be part of the conversation. Understanding the language and finding the right words is an essential part of opening up discussions. Language is constantly evolving, so this is a living document which we'll update regularly.
@George Obolo @Ruby Dark let's start with the most important terms and add over time. I added a priority tag, feel free to amend! Take a look at these glossaries/lexicons we already put together for inspiration, especially around key terms to include: https://www.notion.so/fairhq/Build-an-inclusive-language-guide-for-the-team-aa29b09d3f644af0afe66f2fc5cb7f28#11783e983d5c4dcf927bb0b564dd38ae
📚 INSPIRATION: A Fair HQ selection of glossaries and definitions
- A great starting point: Avarna's Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion (DEI) Vocab handout and Diversity Best Practices' DEI glossary.
- Also take a look at this digestible set of Inclusive language guidelines
- Here is a comprehensive guide from Rider University
- Conscious style guide - with language guides on a wide variety of topics: age, gender, ethnicity, race, nationality, health, socio-economic status and more.
- Gender equality lexicon by Gates Gender Equality Toolbox
- Sexual orientation and gender identity definitions by Human Rights Campaign
- Disability-related terminology by Washington University
- Racial equity tools glossary
- [Gender definitions](https://www.euro.who.int/en/health-topics/health-determinants/gender/gender-definitions#:~:text=Gender is used to describe,grow into women and men.) by World Health Organisation
- Gender definitions by UNESCO
- Allyship and Anti-Oppression: A Resource Guide with definitions related to allyship
- AFP's freely available diversity, equality, and inclusion (DEI) vocabulary index